Innovation brings efficiency, efficiency brings profitability.

At Sleipner, we innovate to bring you efficiency by means of mobility. Wherever transport hours can be converted into working hours and the wear and tear of tramming can be converted into smooth rolling, we are there. Wherever personnel can be trained and Sleipner products maintained, we are there. From mines and quarries to contracting sites, Sleipner is rolling the wheels of change – bringing you profitability with mobility. 

Legend and history

The first Sleipner products were built in 1996 – and most them still perform flawlessly. What started as an idea for extremely robust yet easy-to-use dollies for the heaviest excavators has since grown into a full range of heavy-duty Sleipner E Series dollies for practically every excavator in the market. Later, the DB Series of highly manoeuvrable lowbed trailers complemented the range. Today, we continue to develop our versatile range of mobility solutions in close collaboration with our customers – making sure Sleipner products integrate seamlessly with their ways of working.  

Our worldwide network of partners helps customers find the best Sleipner dollies and lowboy trailers for their fleets locally. Our customers in more than 50 countries and on six continents appreciate the mobilisation benefits of Sleipner products. 

The legend behind the name 

In ancient Norse mythology, the god Odin rode an eight-legged horse called Sleipnir. Being able to carry twice the weight at twice the speed, Sleipnir was said to be “the best horse amongst gods and men.” 

Sleipner dollies and trailers are a modern-day version of that miraculous horse, their wheels able to carry heavy machinery with great speed and agility. 

The Sleipner timeline 


First excavator on wheels

The first prototype of what was later to become the Sleipner E Series is built. Designed for a 90-tonne excavator, the first Sleipner dolly has proven its reliability by remaining in active use to this day.


First delivery to South America

Our first exploration outside Europe was a delivery of Sleipner E Series dollies to South America. The response from users was very positive.


First delivery to Africa

Yet another market to conquer was Africa – more specifically Ghana, the largest gold producer on the continent. What started as a single delivery has grown to more than ten customers in different parts of Ghana.


First delivery to Asia & Oceania

Indonesia is the top exporter of thermal coal in the world, so no wonder our first delivery to Asia & Oceania was to an Indonesian coal mine. Soon after that, iron mines in Western Australia also had Sleipner equipment.


First delivery to North America

The last continental to be conquered by Sleipner equipment was North America following the delivery of Sleipner dollies to a gold mine in northern Canada.


Over 50 countries have Sleipners

Over the years, Sleipner dollies and lowboy trailers have been delivered to over 50 countries already.


New third generation DB Series

Even the good can be improved through ceaseless R&D. The third generation of Sleipner DB Series lowboy trailers launched a new era in terms of multipurpose versatility, enabling them to accommodate all kinds of pit equipment besides drills and bulldozers: excavators, wheel loaders, trucks, bucket, pumps, light towers. Imagination sets the limits!


Dealer network covers most continents

Even the best equipment is of limited use without proper service and support. That’s why Sleipner has been building a comprehensive dealer network that covers most corners of the Earth. But we still have something new up our sleeve – stay tuned for new developments!

Our values, mission and vision

What is Sleipner and what do we want it to become? How do we see ourselves and how do we want to be seen? Our operations are firmly rooted in the principles of applying engineering to make the world run smoother. To make every working day of our customers safer, more productive and more resource efficient. To get more done with less energy and CO2 emissions. 

When an engineer sees a problem, they come up with a solution. At Sleipner, we focus on making the most out of heavy machinery by creating robust, safe and reliable solutions for moving it more efficiently. 


Our sustainable innovations make us the global leader in mobility solutions for heavy machinery.


To improve the productivity of our customers by delivering innovative and sustainable mobility solutions globally to mines, quarries and construction sites.


Customer success, Passion for results, Innovation, Respect.


We provide value to our customers by improving their productivity, reducing their costs, and helping them to become more sustainable operator in their industry.

Innovation and future

Building on innovation

Building on a tradition of innovation, we are constantly pushing the boundaries of engineering. More speed, more capacity, more automation – the development never stops. As a company driven by R&D, we have the most comprehensive portfolio of worldwide patents and other intellectual property rights in the industry.  

Our current product line is continuously developed. The Sleipner E Series has the advantage of being an easily mounted and cost-effective mobility solution. The Sleipner DB Series offers the flexibility of a lowbed trailer with many details that have been radically rethought, including advanced automation and digital enhancements. Finally, our simulator-based training and service network make sure our products are utilised in the best way possible. 

Building the future

Our innovative spirit has taken us to where we are today and will continue to guide us into the future. We believe strongly in using the power of imagination and creativity, not only to constantly improve the quality, safety, performance and efficiency of our products, but also to completely rethink the concept of what our products and services could look like. 

But Sleipner never invents for the sake of invention. All our ideas come from the field, from actual customer needs: a mine that needs to get the most out of their fleet, or a contractor that needs to maximise the service life of their excavator. At Sleipner, we work together with our customers to build the future for the entire industry. 

We live in an increasingly connected world, and there has never been a better time to make a real impact with your data. If every unit that is not connected could be considered a “lost machine”, then being part of the digital ecosystem is critical to your success. Alongside other features, Sleipner is developing the digital dimension of our products to provide useful data for both maintaining your Sleipner and for making informed business decisions. 

Our people and partners

Innovation is not possible without creative minds. Groundbreaking engineering is not possible without skilled designers. Quality production is not possible without dedicated employees who are proud of their achievements. Everything Sleipner has achieved so far has been created by our people and partners. This is why we believe in social responsibility and the fair and equal treatment of our employees and partners. 

At Sleipner, we put people first. This includes our employees, as well as our customers, dealers, suppliers and other stakeholders. We want to keep an open mind with regard to new ideas, which means listening to everyone equally. Our close collaboration with our customers and partners helps us evolve and serve better. 

Careers at Sleipner

Sleipner offers a broad range of career paths all around the world. Is there an open position you might fit in? Click on the link below to apply now. You are also welcome to leave an open work application and enquire about job internships and degree work. Do not hesitate to drop us a line – this can be the beginning of a lifelong story!